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Adam Mohamed Osman

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Development Economics; Labor Economics; Experimental Methods

Additional Campus Affiliations

Associate Professor, Economics
Associate Professor, Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Affiliate, Center for Social & Behavioral Science

Recent Publications

Christensen, P., Osman, A., & Stocker, A. (2024). Weathering the ride: Experimental evidence on transport pricing, climate extremes, and future travel demand. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 125, Article 102978.

Crépon, B., El Komi, M., & Osman, A. (2024). Is It Who You Are or What You Get? Comparing the Impacts of Loans and Grants for Microenterprise Development. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 16(1), 286-313.

Cueva, R. A., Osman, A., & Speer, J. D. (2024). Microfinance's transformational potential: looking beyond average treatment effects. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 40(1), 71-81.

Osman, A., & Speer, J. D. (2024). Stigma and take-up of labour market assistance: Evidence from two field experiments. Economica, 91(361), 123-141.

Karlan, D., Osman, A., & Zinman, J. (2023). Dangers of a double-bottom line? A poverty targeting experiment misses both targets. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 32(3), 510-522.

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