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Don Fullerton

Professor of Finance

Additional Campus Affiliations

Professor Emeritus, Finance

Recent Publications

Carbone, J. C., Bui, L. T. M., Fullerton, D., Paltsev, S., & Sue Wing, I. (2022). When and How to Use Economy-Wide Models for Environmental Policy Analysis. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 14, 447-465.

Fullerton, D., Babbitt, C. W., Bilec, M. M., He, S., Isenhour, C., Khanna, V., Lee, E., & Theis, T. L. (2022). Introducing the Circular Economy to Economists. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 14, 493-514.

Fullerton, D. (2021). Net Burdens of Carbon Policy Vary within Each Income Group — and within Each Nation*. CESifo Forum, 22(5), 20-25.

Fullerton, D., & Ta, C. L. (2020). Costs of energy efficiency mandates can reverse the sign of rebound. Journal of Public Economics, 188, Article 104225.

Fullerton, D. (2020). Environmental economics. In Earth 2020: An insider's guide to a rapidly changing planet (pp. 77-83). Open Book Publishers.

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