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Marieke Kleemans

Profile picture for Marieke Kleemans

Contact Information

214 David Kinley Hall
1407 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, Illinois 61801

Research Areas

Assistant Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Economics

Recent Publications

Akresh, R., Halim, D., & Kleemans, M. (2023). Long-Term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia. The Economic Journal, 133(650), 582-612. Article ueac058.

Kleemans, M., & Thornton, R. L. (2023). Fully Promoted: The Distribution and Determinants of Full Professorship in the Economics Profession. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 113, 467-472.

Hamory, J., Kleemans, M., Li, N. Y., & Miguel, E. (2021). Reevaluating Agricultural Productivity Gaps with Longitudinal Microdata. Journal of the European Economic Association, 19(3), 1522-1555.

Kleemans, M., & Thornton, R. L. (2021). Who Belongs? The Determinants of Selective Membership into the National Bureau of Economic Research. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 111, 117-122.

Akresh, R., Halim, D., & Kleemans, M. (2018). Long-term and Intergenerational Effects of Education: Evidence from School Construction in Indonesia. (NBER Working Paper Series; No. 25265). National Bureau of Economic Research.

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