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Darren Lubotsky

Profile picture for Darren Lubotsky

Contact Information

Department of Economics
University Hall Room 728
University of Illinois Chicago (UIC)
M/C 144

Research Areas

Assistant Professor (Chicago Campus)


Ph.D. Economics, University of California - Berkeley, 2000
B.A. Economics & Political Economy Majors, Mathematics Minor - Washington University St. Louis

Awards and Honors

2010 List of Teachers Rated as Outstanding by their Students, University of Illinois, fall semester
2009 EGSO Excellence in Teaching a Field Class award recipient, Department of Economics, University of Illinois
2009 List of Teachers Rated as Outstanding by their Students, University of Illinois, spring semester
2008 EGSO Excellence in Teaching a Field Class award recipient, Department of Economics, University of Illinois
2008 List of Teachers Rated as Outstanding by their Students, University of Illinois, spring semester
2005 University of Kentucky Center for Poverty Research, Emerging Scholars Program
2004 List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by Their Students, University of Illinois, fall semester
2003 Kenneth Arrow Award for the best paper in health economics in
2002, awarded by the International Health Economics Association (with Anne Case and Christina Paxson)
2002 List of Teachers Rated as Excellent by Their Students, University of Illinois, fall semester

Courses Taught

University of Illinois at Chicago, 2012-Present

  • Economics 532: Labor Economics (PhD)
  • Economics 535: Econometrics II (PhD)
  • Economics 539: Microeconometrics (PhD)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002-Present

  • Economics 440: Labor Economics (Undergraduate)
  • Economics 540/541: Labor Economics (PhD)
  • Economics 590: Advanced Topics in Labor Economics (PhD)
  • Labor and Employment Relations 590-N: Health, Savings, and Family Issues in the Workplace (Masters)

University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 2005-2006

  • Economics 320: Labor Economics (Undergraduate)
  • Public Policy 555: Microeconomics (Masters)
  • Public Policy 760: Health, Savings, and Family Issues in the Workplace (Masters)