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Richard Arnould

Professor Emeritus

Research Interests

Health Economics

Research Description

  • "The Nature and Consequences of Provider Consolidations in the U.S. ," with L. DeBrock and H. Radach, in B. Ferguson, J. Posnett, and T. Sheldon, eds. , Concentration and Choice in Health Care Markets, Churchill Livingston, 1997.
  • "Federal Antitrust Merger Enforcement Standards: A Good Fit for the Hospital Industry?" with G. Bazzoli, D. Marx, and l. Manheim, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law (1995).
  • "The Application of Economic Theory to the Vaccine Market," in Mark V. Pauly, ed. , The Economics of Vaccine Policy, IOS Press, 1995.


Ph.D. Economics, Iowa State University, 1968