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Jose Vazquez

Profile picture for Jose Vazquez

Contact Information

Dept. of Economics
330 Wohlers Hall
1206 S Sixth
M/C 706
Champaign, IL 61820
Clinical Professor


Dr. Jose J. Vazquez teaches at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, in addition to the more than 100,000 people who have taken his very popular Principles of Microeconomics MOOC in Coursera. He is also a leader in the use of technology in higher education, particularly its effect on student motivation. He has presented his strategies in conferences all over the world and has consulted with many education companies about the future of education.

Research Interests

My current research broadly focuses on student motivation. My most recent papers have been on the topic of student cheating, and also on the relationship between mental attention (information framing), and motivation; particularly curiosity.

Research Description

Some Recent Publications

Vazquez, J.; Chiang, E. and Sarmiento, I.  (2021) Can we stay one step ahead of cheaters? A field experiment in proctoring online open book exams. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics Vol. 90

Dziadula, E.; Felkey, J.; Chiang, E; and Jose Vazquez  (2021) MicroCommitments: The Effect of Small Commitments on Academic Performance. American Economic Review. Papers and Proceedings. 111: 92-96.
Jose Vazquez and Eric Chiang (2018) Using Technology to Complete the Natural Learning Path
in a Principles of Economics Course.  Journal of Economic Teaching. Vol. 2. Issue 2

Jose Vazquez and Eric Chiang (2017) The Power of a Simple Verbal Explanation: Evaluating the 
Efficacy of Narrated Feedback” International Review of Economics Education, Vol. 25, May 2017, pp. 25-34.

Jose Vazquez and Eric Chiang  (2016) “Preparing Students For Class: A Clinical Trial Testing 
The Efficacy Between Multimedia Pre- lectures And Textbooks in an Economics Course” Journal of College Teaching and Learning, Vol. 13, Second Quarter 2016.

Eric Chiang and Jose Vazquez (2015).  Flipping Out! A Case Study on How to Flip the Principles of Economics Classroom. International Advances of Economic Research.  Vol. 1. No. 4

Jose Vazquez and Eric Chiang (2014) A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words (at least): The Effective Use of Visuals in the Economics Classroom International Review of Economics Education. Review of Economics Education Vol. 17. pp 109-119

Jose Vazquez and Eric Chiang (2014).  FlipIt Economics.  Worth. New York, NY



2001        Ph.D. in Economics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.  Troy,  N.Y. 

1994         B.A. in Political Science. University of Puerto Rico.  San Juan, P.R.


Courses Taught

  • Introductory Microeconomics
  • Game Theory
  • International Environmental Economics
  • Economic Growth