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Berman, Edward

Years in the Department:


Research Interest: 

Labor Economics, Insurance


Edward Berman came to the University of Illinois in 1921, joining the faculty of the Department of Economics as Instructor. He completed his Ph.D. at Columbia University.

Professor Berman's pioneering research in Industrial Relations led to the department's first offerings in that field. Indeed, he gave Labor Economics its fine start at Illinois. By 1925, coursework at the graduate level had been introduced, and, at Dr. Berman's hand, Labor Economics was established as one of the department's foremost fields of study.

Preeminent as a writer and researcher, Professor Berman would be the first faculty member from the College of Commerce and Business Administration to serve on the editorial board of the American Economic Review.

After a 15-year tenure, Professor Berman would be recognized for his extra- ordinary contributions to his chosen field of study and his department. His conviction that the study of Labor Economics, to the end that it would improve relations between workers and employers, would serve to advance social welfare, is carried forth to present time. In 1936, Edward Berman would resign.

Dr. Berman was born in 1897 and deceased 1938.


Columbia University


  • Berman, Edward. Labor and the Sherman Act. New York: Russell & Russell, 1969. Print.
  • Berman, Edward. Labor Disputes and the President of the United States. New York: Columbia University, 1924. Print.
  • Thorp, Willard L, Edward Berman, and O W. Blackett. Economic Problems in a Changing World. New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1939. Print.
  • Berman, Edward. The Massachusetts System of Savings-Bank Life Insurance. , 1935. Internet resource.
  • Berman, Edward. Operation of Savings-Bank Life Insurance in Massachusetts and New York: Revision of Bulletin No. 615: the Massachusetts System of Savings-Bank Life Insurance. , 1941. Internet resource.

Other links/resources:

Edward Berman Letters at Syracuse University


Not available