
Registration Errors

The below errors are common, and we have provided some information on the meaning, and how to correct the issues.

  • Advisor Consent Required
    • Read the section text in the Course Explorer for that term, as it may provide details about the course
    • Advisor consent is required to register for the course
    • Contact advisor to get approval
  • Class Restriction 
    • There is a restriction on the course that student does not meet such as student standing
    • Choose a different section that does not have the restriction
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Closed Section
    • There are no seats available in that section
    • Choose a different section that is not closed
    • Sometimes courses are "crosslisted," meaning different sections meet together, and between all sections the course may be full
  • College Restriction
    • There is a college restriction on that section which student’s college enrollment does not match
    • Choose a different course
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Duplicate CRN
    • Student already registered for a section of the same course
    • Chose another course, or drop the already registered section before adding a different section
  • Instructor Consent Required
    • Instructor approval is required
    • Contact instructor for approval
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Level Restriction
    • There is a level restriction on the course which student’s level (graduate or undergraduate) does not match
    • Choose a different section (UG for undergraduate, or GR for graduate)
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Link Error: XX Required
    • Registration for desired course requires registration in corresponding linked section
    • Check the Course Explorer for information regarding what parts of the course to register for on Enterprise
    • Register for the linked section
  • Major Restriction
    • There is a major restriction on the course which student’s major does not match
    • Choose a different section that does not have the major restriction
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Maximum Hours Exceeded
    • Student has tried to register for more than 18 hours during regular semester
    • Contact advisor if hours override is allowed
    • Student has not met a pre-requisite  or test score requirement and cannot add the course
    • Choose a different section without the restriction
  • Program Restriction
    • There is a program restriction on the course which the student does not meet
    • Choose a different section without the restriction
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Reserve Closed
    • Reserved seating for the course has been filled
    • Choose a different section that is not closed, or wait to see if a seat opens on Enterprise
    • Check the Course Explorer for details on the restriction 
  • Time Conflict with XXXXX
    • Student is registering for a course that has a time conflict with a course that is already registered
    • Choose a different section that does not conflict
  • You can not add/drop classes due to hold on your record
    • Student has a hold on his/her account
    • Select “View Holds” on Enterprise to get more information regarding the hold and where to go to resolve it
    • Contact advisor with questions
  • You have no Registration Time Ticket.  Please contact the registration administrator for your time ticket
    • Student does not have a time ticket
    • Contact the Records Service Center at 901 W Illinois Street in Urbana for time ticket
    • Contact advisor with questions