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MSPE Field Trips

  • On February 24th, the MSPE students attended a presentation by Deloitte in Chicago. Midori Nakamura, an August 2007 MSPE alum, organized the presentation. Both Midori and Dr. Nicola Lostumbo talked about their work in the group who consults companies on transfer pricing, the work environment at Deloitte, as well as internship opportunities. They...
  • Our third visit was to the International Monetary Fund. The presenter highlighted the IMF history, organizational structure, missions, and its developments over time. 
  • Our second visit was to the Federal Trade Commission. Our visit began with a presentation about history, structure and activities of the FTC as an agency responsible for promotion of consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of anticompetitive business practices, such as coercive monopoly. Next was a talk about the theoretical basis for...
  • Our first visit was to the World Bank. The presentation began with an overview of World Bank history, organizational structure, and missions. The speaker talked about different phases that the World Bank has gone through, starting as a reconstruction bank until now with its involvement in developmental activities like developing human capital and...
  • Our final visit was to the Inter-American Development Bank. The event started with an overview of the IDB group followed by a presentation about Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC) activities in support of private sector activities. The third presentation was about the job opportunities at the IDB. The...
  • The final fall trip was to the Illinois Farm Bureau in Bloomington on November 4. The IFB is an association of farmers, which was formed 100 years ago to further farmer interests. Presentation topics included eminent domain, the IFB as a private sector membership association and their role in civil society, farm policy and other policy issues, and...
  • On October 21, the MSPE students visited the world headquarters of Monsanto, a sustainable agriculture company located in St. Louis, Missouri. Monsanto products include agricultural and vegetable seeds. The day included a tour of one of Monsanto’s research facilities. 
  • The first fall field trip was to the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) on September 16. CBOE is the world’s largest options exchange and the leader in product innovation, options education, and trading volume. Mr. Kevin Davitt, Sr. Instructor for the Options Institute, began the visit with a presentation about what “options” are and explained the...
  • The highlight of the academic year was the spring break field trip to New York City (March 20 – 25). Students attended presentations by the United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations, Standard & Poor’s, and TIAA-CREF. As in the past, students were also given time to explore the city.
  • The second spring field trip was to visit Archer Daniels Midland in Decatur, Illinois. The visit began with a bus tour of the ADM facilities. Mr. Parry Dixon, senior economist, then gave a brief overview of ADM where students learned that since 1900, ADM’s net worth has grown to $81 billion, and employs over 33,000 employees in it its 760+ facilities...
  • Our first field trip was to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The visit began with a presentation by Rick Mattoon, a senior economist and economic advisor in the economic research department, who talked about the functions of the Fed and the 2016 economic outlook for the U.S. Mr. Mattoon looked at the positive and negative indicators of economic...