As opportunities become available, the undergraduate studies office emails the information to all economics students (contact our office if you are not on the mailing list). Our office works with the faculty and collaborates with different departments to secure as many opportunities as possible for students, but the majority of these opportunities are secured by the student directly with faculty. In order to approach faculty to do an independent study or work with them on research, we have the following recommendations:

  • Understand what it means to do an independent study or research (attend an Office of Undergraduate Research Workshop, visit the LAS Life + Career Design Lab, look at Past Econ Research Projects, read through the information on this page, view the slideshow, or look online for additional information).

  • Put together a proposal or list of possible research areas you would like to discuss with a faculty member- make sure to read articles and/or current events about the topic so you know what has already been done and how you will be able to add to the field of research.

  • Approach faculty who have had you for one or more courses and know your work ethic (attended office hours and be interactive in class to get to know them better). Ensure you are building connections with faculty on campus during your time on campus. Attending talks, engaging in class discussions, and learning more about their research or interests helps you understand the field of economics better and may lead to great opportunities.

    • It is also good to speak with your faculty while you are in their class about research in a future semester.

  • Set up a meeting to speak with the faculty member in person (remind them you have taken their class and briefly explain what you would like to do- why you would like to meet).

  • Faculty may not have their independent research or they may not have the time to oversee a project, so it is good to have different options in mind (do not be offended if they are unable to oversee you, you want someone who will be able to take the time to provide you with good feedback and guidance).