Zaza Broladze works as a Non-Executive Board Member at the Policy and Management Consulting Group (PMCG) in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 2010, she completed Project Management Professional Certification from...
David Prentice works as a Research Associate at the American Academy of Pediatrics in Itasca, IL. In 2016, he was awarded a M.S. degree in Data Science from Elmhurst College.
Our last excursion for the semester was a five-day field trip to New York City (March 10 – 15, 2024). The group attended four presentations, two scheduled on Monday and two on Wednesday, with Tuesday...
Our first field trip for the semester was to Peoria, IL on Friday, February 16. Students enjoyed a narrated tour of the Caterpillar Tech Center and spending time at the Visitor's Center.
Christopher Fettes (MSPE 2019) is now working as an Economist at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in Washington, DC. He works in the Office of Economics and Analytics division.
After completing her MSPE Program in December 2017, Gloria went on to earn a Ph.D. degree in Economic Sciences, Financial Administration Concentration, at the Universidad de San Carlos in Guatemala...
The fall 2023 field trip took us to Chicago to visit the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP). CMAP is a regional planning agency responsible for developing both short-run and long-run...
Christopher Gregory (MSPE 2022) is now working as an Economist for the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce, International Economics Directorate, Direction Investment Division,...
This fall, we had 76 students begin their study in the MSPE Program. This class is represented by 11 different countries: Brazil, China, Indonesia, Korea, Liberia, Nigeria, Paraguay, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Turkey, and the USA. These students joined the 61 continuing students in the MSPE Program.