
We highly recommend that students complete an internship during their undergraduate degree. Internships add to your experience and help connect what you are learning in class to a future career. It also provides a valuable opportunity to understand what is expected within a professional environment and insight on what you would like to do post-graduation as there are many different trajectories with an economics degree.

Popular Organizations that Econ Students Have Interned with


Bank of China in Chicago
BMO Harris Bank
Citibank in Korea
Federal Reserve
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Metropolitan Capital Bank & Trust
The World Bank


Centric Consulting 
Ebiquity, Inc.
Ernst & Young LLP
Mercer Investment Consulting
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Financial Services

Alliance Investment Planning Group
Eldorado Trading LLC
Glass Lake Capital
Group One Trading
INTL FCStone Inc.
Northern Trust Asset Management
USA Trading
Wells Fargo


Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Liberty Mutual Insurance
State Farm Research and Development Center
The Allstate Corporation


Caterpillar Inc.
Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama
Nealey Foods Inc


Mary Kay Corporate
McGovern & Co.
Procter & Gamble (P&G)
Target Corporation

Other Industries

Carle Foundation Hospital 
CDW Corporation
Motorola Solutions, Inc

Internship Preparation

Students should begin preparing to apply for internships early in their academic career through Information Sessions, Career Fairs, Campus Involvement, Workshops, Career Advising, and the other numerous activities offered on- and off-campus. Both The Career Center and the Econ Career Center provide many different opportunities to prepare for internships, and meet individually with students on their needs.

Students interested in taking a course to accompany their internship may enroll in ECON 298 as long as the internship is related to economics and will help support future career pursuits. Please view details via the link below. 

International students with certain visas must apply for a CPT for all paid or unpaid internships in the U.S. and be enrolled in an internship course (such as ECON 298: Internships in Economics). During the summer you may register for 0 or 3 credit hours. You must successfully register and pass the course, otherwise you will have issues with your visa status. CPT should be sent to Katie Kennealy once you have submitted your other Application Materials for the Internship Course. Please view details via the link below. 

ECON 298 Internship Course Requirements for International Students