Textbook Orders

The Department of Economics Office will assist you in ordering textbooks for your courses, or you may handle directly with the Illini Union Bookstore.

There are also several other resources you may use which are alternate to textbooks.


Library E-Reserves

Library Physical Reserves

Economics Department Assistance

Each semester, our main office will email all instructors for the upcoming semester and request your textbook order. The number of books ordered will be based on room capacity and/or expected enrollment.

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our office

We will need certain information about your course to complete the textbook form, and this will be emailed to you prior to the semester by the textbook order deadline.

Order Direct

You may also complete the Textbook Adoption Form online from the Illini Union Bookstore.

Student Textbook Shopping

Students will be able to purchase the textbooks for your course at the Illini Union Bookstore.