Degree Completion Information

Students graduating from the Department of Economics receive a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS). Students must fulfill all graduation requirements in order to receive their diploma. Degrees are awarded by LAS (not by the individual departments), so questions about final degrees should be directed to the LAS College office or visit the LAS graduation Requirements website.

In order to graduate, you must notify the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences of your intent. This is done at the same time that you register for your final semester of classes through the student registration system. If you do not do so by the tenth day of class, contact your admissions/records officer with your intent on graduating in that term. If your name is not added to the pending degree list, the date of your degree award and diploma will be delayed. Also, you should be aware that if you are removed from the list, for any reason, such as dropping a required course, you cannot register for additional coursework without the approval of LAS Student Academic Affairs.

Please note, indicating your intent to graduate does not automatically register you for the Commencement and Convocation ceremonies. To participate, you must register through your department in the Spring for departmental ceremonies, as well as the University if you would like to attend the campuswide ceremony; and through LAS in the Fall for the December ceremony.

Certifying your Degree

The University establishes a degree certification date following the completion of each term. If you are on the graduation list you must complete all degree requirements—including requirements to formally announce your candidacy for a degree—by the degree certification date for that term. It typically takes the college 2 months after the end of the semester to certify degrees and mail the diploma. Please contact the College regarding questions on certifying your completion and expected diploma. 

LAS Office:
LAS Advising:

Registering for the Department of Economics Convocation Ceremony

Please visit the Spring or Winter convocation pages below for more information on how to register.