BSLAS Econometrics & Quantitative Economics Requirement Worksheet


Minimum required major and supporting course work normally equates to 64-66 hours.

Economics Courses including:

ECON 102

Microeconomic Principles 3

ECON 103

Macroeconomic Principles 3

ECON 198

Economics at Illinois 1

ECON 202

Economic Statistics I
See substitutions website

ECON 203

Economic Statistics II 3

ECON 302

Inter Microeconomic Theory 3

ECON 303

Inter Macroeconomic Theory 3

24 additional hours of economics at the 300- or 400- level1

12 hours minimum of economics at the 300- or 400-level chosen from a set of courses in econometrics, quantitative economics, computational economics, and mathematical economics. 


Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science Courses including:


MATH 220 (or MATH 221)

Calculus (or Calculus I) 4-5

MATH 231

Calculus II 3
MATH 225 Introductory Matrix Theory
See substitutions website
STAT 385 Statistics Programming Methods
ECON 202 & 203 Prerequisites (or STAT 200)
No substitutions accepted
CS 105 Intro Computing
See substitutions website

Supporting Course Work

6 hours of courses outside economics, but related to econometrics, quantitative economics, computational economics, or mathematical economics.

This would include additional courses in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Other quantitative courses will be accepted based on the content and connection with the major. Some additional areas may include informatics, engineering (various areas), information sciences, and other areas related to statistical, mathematical, or computational techniques.


Excluding ECON 398 and ECON 399 (these courses do not count towards Advanced ECON coursework)


View a list of approved econometric and quantitative economics advanced elective courses.

Students in this major need to complete 12 advanced hours in ECON from the approved list; the other 12 advanced hours may be any of the ECON courses.

Course Substitutions

Only courses which may have substitutions are ECON 102, 103, and 202~ no other substitutions are allowed. All other courses listed above must be completed (some courses provide an option, and the only options are listed above).

Please visit our Course Substitutions Website for information on substitutions to the major.