If you are currently an ILLINOIS student and wish to declare an Economics Major or the Minor, please read over the information below, and visit our Majors & Minor page to view program specific requirements and details.

The below information is for Current ILLINOIS Students only. The information is for current students transferring into the major, or adding a double major. 

New Students (off-campus transfers) should visit our 'Prospective Students' page.

Non-LAS Students: Intercollegiate Transfers (ICT)

If you are not currently in the College of LAS and would like to transfer into Economics, please view the information on the LAS Intercollegiate Transfer Website.

You must fulfill the transfer requirements for the specific major you are requesting prior to transferring into Economics. We highly recommend you meet with an Econ Advisor prior to declaring, and throughout your time on campus, for course planning.

Non-LAS Students must attend an ICT meeting before transferring into Economics.

The LAS Intercollegiate Transfer Website provides information on upcoming ICT meetings (required to transfer) and upcoming transfer periods.

LAS Students: Transfers

Visit the LAS Declaring or Changing a Curriculum or Major Website for more information the times during the semester you may apply and steps to declare.

You must fulfill the transfer requirements for the specific major you are requesting prior to transferring into Economics. We highly recommend you meet with an Econ Advisor prior to declaring, and throughout your time on campus, for course planning.

Transfers are done through the LAS Office during specific times in the semester. LAS will check that you meet the criteria to declare the major and are in good academic standing. No additional criteria is required or considered.

Double Major & Dual-Degree

Please read the information on the LAS Multiple Majors and Degrees Website if you would like to pursue a double-major or dual-degree.

You must fulfill the transfer requirements for the specific major you are requesting prior to adding Economics as a major. We highly recommend you meet with an Econ Advisor prior to declaring, and throughout your time on campus, for course planning.

Follow the directions provided on the LAS Multiple Majors and Degrees Website. Students must go to the LAS Office in 2002 Lincoln Hall during open hours to request a form. Secondary Major Forms may be dropped off in our Economics Office at the Front Desk (214 DKH) during Business Hours. Dual-Degree Forms must be brought with you during a scheduled Econ Advising Appointment.

It is important you meet and discuss your plan with all of your major advisors. 

Requirements to Declare

Each of our Economics Programs has requirements in order to declare. Please visit the corresponding websites below for the specific criteria.

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