
DataWant to build your data and/or software skills? Many employers and Graduate Programs seeks individuals who are able to navigate a variety of technical systems, so building this up during college is important. There are more jobs requiring some level of familiarity with programming, data analytics, and software knowledge.

There are plenty of courses, workshop, and training opportunities for students at UIUC.




Stata is a powerful statistical software that enables users to analyze, manage, and produce graphical visualizations of data. It is primarily used by researchers in the fields of economics, biomedicine, and political science to examine data patterns. It has both a command line and graphical user interface making the use of the software more intuitive. See the video below for a quick tour of the Stata interface.

Library How To Stata Guide


R is an open-source statistical analysis tool that is both a programming language and a command-based application. It is a free, but very powerful, tool for analyzing and visualizing data.

Library Introduction to R
Statistical Software Packages Workshops

Certificate in Data Science

The Certificate in Data Science option allows undergraduate students to receive recognition for completing coursework that provides an understanding of the discipline of data science including exposure to data structures and data sources, statistical principles, computing and analytics, data management, and data science applications. Courses on the Approved List under Interdisciplinary Data Science include subject matter courses and courses that require substantial interpretation of data and report writing. Students completing the Certificate will be presented with an official certificate document and will be free to use this credential on a CV, resume or application for advanced study.  Certificate in Data Science Website

Margolis Market Information Lab (Excel, Matlab, & Financial Applications)

University finance lab equipped with state-of-the-art electronic sources of financial and business data and software products used globally by industry firms. Exposure to and competency with these tools will provide students with a unique skill set to differentiate themselves in the workplace and become business leaders. (Python, Bloomberg, Capital IQ, Excel, Matlab,...). Market Information Lab Website


Thousands (yes thousands!) of training videos on a variety of subjects and topics! Available to all University of Illinois students for free! Python, R, Java, Excel, and so much more.

Courses to Consider

The following courses provide students with varying levels of understanding, in different areas. Students must confirm if they have met the prerequisites for these courses, or if the courses are open for all students or have restrictions (check the course explorer to verify). This is not a complete list~ there are numerous other courses on campus.

  • STAT 200Statistical computing using a statistical package such as R or a spreadsheet. Skill: R
  • STAT 385Fundamental programming techniques and considerations will be emphasized.  Skill: R
  • Computer Science
  • Informatics