
Vienna is the historic capital of the multinational Habsburg Empire. It is a melting pot of languages and cultures, and the crossroads between East and West. This program is run in conjunction with the German Department at the University of Illinois. Classes are available in either German or in English, and there are German-language courses available at all level of instruction, so this is an excellent program if you would like to take classes for a German minor. There are cultural programs available, including an optional ski week for those students studying abroad in the spring. Because of the ski trip, spring is a better semester for this program than fall, but the exchange is available both fall and spring. Students who participate in the fall will be given an early exam so that they will be able to return to Illinois in time for spring courses to begin. Austria Video

The Department of Economics works directly with the Vienna program to ensure students have many options for economics and business courses. There is also an ILLINOIS Staff Member on-site in Vienna who will teach the German and Culture courses, and lead the excursions.

Visit the LAS-ECON in Vienna Page for more information


Students will take most of their courses at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). In addition, courses may be taken the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), and the University of Vienna (UW), which offer a wide variety of relevant courses in English. (Consult course offerings and descriptions on the institution websites, and the course approval database).


All ECON ILLINOIS students will take one German Language, one Austrian Culture, and additional Major and Elective courses of interest. Spring students may also receive 1 hour KIN credit if they participate in the ski trip. Students also register for the LAS Global Perspectives for Intercultural Learning course which has pre, during, and post-abroad requirements.



GER 101 German Language (or placement into higher level)

Taught by ILLINOIS program staff

GER 205 Austrian Culture in the European Context (Humanities & Western Gen Eds)

Taught by ILLINOIS program staff

ECON (or other courses)~ Many Advanced (ECON 3-- and 4-- available)

Selected when course catalog is available for the different institutions. See the course approval database


Numerous Economics Courses are offered at this institution, and pre-articulations have been done. The below courses are just some examples of ones you may be able to take (pending availability each semester) along with the ILLINOIS equivalents. View sheet with more courses and the course approval database.

The Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU, University of Economics and Business) Course Catalog.

Please consult the WU International Office website for information on courses offered in English.

Spring Catalog is typically available in January.

ECON Course Examples:

Some of the Economics courses you may be able to take:

  • Economic Fiscal Policy (ECON 200-level)
  • Money and the Business Cycle (ECON 200-level)
  • Applied Microeconomics (ECON 302)
  • European Economic Integration (ECON 300-level)
  • US & EU Financial Systems (ECON 300-level)
  • Monetary Policy in the US & EU (ECON 300-level)
  • Select Topics: Development Econ (ECON 300-level)
  • Econometrics I (ECON 300-level)
  • Econometrics II (ECON 400-level)
  • Advanced Microeconomics (ECON 400-level)
  • Advanced Macroeconomics (ECON 400-level)
  • Applied Econometrics (ECON 400-level)
  • International Economics (ECON 420)

Numerous other ECON course options which have been pre-approved: See the course approval database

Additional Course Examples:

Students may take courses in a variety of other subjects abroad, including ones in Business, Finance, Political Science, the Humanities, and many others. Some of the options pre-approved:

  • Analysis/Decision Making in Marketing (BADM 320)*
  • Conquering Global Markets (BADM 382)*
  • Global Consumer Behavior (BADM 325)*
  • International Management (BADM 381)*
  • Language of Financial Management (FIN 221)*
  • Financial Integration (FIN 300-level)
  • Financial Risk Management (FIN 400-level)
  • Foreign Exchange Risk (FIN 400-level)
  • Applied Asset Management (FIN 400-level)
  • Computational Corporate Finance (FIN 400-level)
  • Applied Mathematical Statistics B (STAT 400)

*BUS/FIN/ACCY Courses abroad do not count towards the Business Minor as they require all courses to be taken through campus, but they may count towards other requirements (such as Supporting Coursework or Electives in the BALAS Economics degree)

Numerous other course options which have been pre-approved: See the course approval database

Amazing Experiences Both Semesters!

Students may go to Vienna in the Fall or Spring, and each offers a unique experience with a Historic walk "700 hundred years of history in two hours" through the first district of Vienna Guided tours and experiential learning; Hiking/City Tours; Museum Events; Welcome & Departure Dinners; ILLINOIS On-Site Director Support.


Fewer students typically study abroad in the Fall, but this offers a great opportunity for students to receive scholarships and there is a higher selection rate for highly competitive programs. Fall semester typically extends into late January, but ILLINOIS students are able to complete everything and return prior to the start of the Spring semester (long breaks).

Spring Semester

Semester continues into late June, so students should plan on staying entire semester. Those able to stay entire semester given priority for attending; those leaving early have fewer course options. We typically have a high number of applications for this program in the Spring, so students should consider back-up programs.

Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)