
Many additional programs have ECON course options. Below are some of the programs we have reviewed recently which may be of interest to our students, including any course articulations.

National University Ireland Galway (IAGE Direct Enroll)

Study Abroad Page for Galway

Rubric Title at International Institution Illinois Equivalent
EC136 Macroeconomics ECON 1--
EC139 Principles of Microeconomics ECOn 102
EC141 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 103
EC142 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 102
EC207 Irish Economic History ECON 2--
EC209 Managerial Economics ECON 2--
EC213 Macroeconomics ECON 303
EC247 Introduction to Financial Economics ECON 3--
EC268 Intermediate Macroeconomics ECON 303
EC269 Intermediate Microeconomics ECON 302
EC273 Mathematics for Economics ECOn 2--
EC275 Statistics for Economics ECON 202
EC325 History of Economic Thought ECON 3--
EC369 Money and Banking ECON 426
EC382 International Economics ECON 420
EC386 Public Economics ECON 411
EC388 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics ECON 415
EC422 Applied Econometrics ECON 471
EC423 Ireland in the Global Economy ECON 4--
EC424 Topics in Macroeconomic Theory ECON 4--
EC425 Topics in Microeconomic Theory ECON 4--
EC427 Ireland, Europe, and the Global Economy ECON 4--

Websites for Galway:…… (Page 20)

Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milan, Italy (IAGE Direct Enroll)



Rubric Title at International Institution Illinois Equivalent
IB/MG350 Green Management & Sustainability ECON 1--
  Business Economics ECON 1--
AAD892 Comparative company law ECON 1--
CEE453 Managerial Economics ECON 1--
ABG566 Introductory microeconomics ECON 102
ABG555 Introductory macroeconomics ECON 103
EC/PO312 The Economics of European Integration  ECON 2--
IB/FI315 The Globalization of Finance: Managing Returns and Risks ECON 2--
ABD893 Game theory and strategy ECON 2--
  Introductory economic policy ECON 2--
ABB492 Monetary economics ECON 2--
ABF565 Public finance ECON 2--
  Business Economics and Management - Commercial Firms ECON 2--
  Business economics and management ECON 2--
  Comparative Fiscal Systems and Welfare Policies ECON 2--
ABI369 Applied statistics and big data ECON 2--
ABF562 Economic history ECON 2--
ABF560 Economic policy ECON 2--
ABF564 IT for economics and management ECON 2--
CEB704 Mathematics for economic analysis ECON 2--
ABH393 & KFH393 Management and organization in the digital economy ECON 2--
ABF640 Organization theory and design ECON 2--
ABF574 Statistics ECON 202
ABD740 International economics ECON 220
IB/EC320 Business, Government and the Global Economy ECON 3--
CEJ827 Applied Statistics and Big Data (Business Analytics) ECON 3--
CED726 Political and public economics ECON 3--
CE2357 Microeconomics ECON 302
CEA846 Macroeconomics ECON 303
CEC623 Empirical economics ECON 4--
CEJ868 Policy Evaluation ECON 4--
CEB837 Political Economy of the European Union ECON 4--
CEH464 Statistical Modelling ECON 4--
ABL085 The R language and environment for statistical computing ECON 4--
CBJ450 Advanced economics and management of arts ECON 4--
CED740 International economics (Master's Level) ECON 420
CED725 Monetary economics and asset pricing ECON 426
CED725 Monetary economics and asset pricing ECON 426
CED724 Labor economics ECON 440
ABB493 Applied Econometrics ECON 471
CEB438 Industrial Organization ECON 480



Curriculum Courses
International Courses