Macroeconomics: takes a higher-level perspective on the economy, focusing on national production, national income, and the overall level of employment of productive resources such as labor and capital. Benefits of this perspective are better understanding of country growth, monetary policy, and international trade.

Economics Minor Worksheet

Prerequisites for Declaring Macroeconomic Track


Course: Requirements:

ECON 102
Micro Principles

ECON 202
Econ Stats I

ECON ILLINOIS GPA of 2.33 or above

  • At least one ECON course taken at ILLINOIS
  • Specific grades in ECON courses not required
  • AP/IB/Proficiency Credit accepted*
  • Approved substitutions may be used*
  • Transfer courses may be used*

*Only ECON courses at ILLINOIS counted in GPA

MATH 220
or 221

Grade of C or Higher

  • AP/IB/Proficiency Credit accepted
  • MATH 234 (Business Calculus) or MATH 231 (Calculus II) may be used**
  • Transfer courses may be used**


Macro Track Requirements

Core Economics Requirements (12 credit hours)

ECON 102 – Microeconomic Principles


ECON 202 – Economic Statistics I or equivalent


ECON 203 – Economic Statistics II


ECON 302 – Intermediate Microeconomic Theory


Macroeconomics Track (9 credit hours)

ECON 103 – Macroeconomic Principles

ECON 303 – Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

One ECON 400-Level Macroeconomics Elective Course


Total Hours



 400-Level Macroeconomic Courses

The below courses are approved 400-level Courses for this Minor Track. Courses are not available every semester, and there may be limited availability within the courses as economics majors receive first priority to register.

You must be a declared economics minor student in order to take these courses!

ECON 402 American Economic History
ECON 417 Cost-Benefit Analysis
ECON 420 International Economics
ECON 425 Macroeconomic Policy
ECON 426 Monetary Economics
ECON 452 The Latin American Economies
ECON 453 The Economies of the Middle East and North Africa
ECON 475 Economic Forecasting
ECON 490 Applied Macroeconometrics
ECON 490 Brazilian Current Economic Issues
ECON 490 Brazilian Multinational Companies
ECON 490 Business Cycles
ECON 490 Economic Development & Migration
ECON 490 Economic Growth
ECON 490 International Finance
ECON 422 International Macroeconomics
ECON 490 International Macro Forecasting
ECON 490 International Trade
ECON 490 Macro Labor Markets
ECON 490 Political Economy


Apply to the Economics Minor