Benin: Winter Break 2019-2020

GLBL 298: Benin Study Abroad (3 hours)
This course will visit different governmental, non-governmental, and private business organizations to examine the complexity of economic development issues in Africa. This program will challenge preconceived notions about the meaning of globalization and development—specifically as it relates to and impacts Beninese individuals. It will also study policies and programs that have succeeded or failed to offer the right incentives to individuals (whether in a household, firm, village, or country) and how these policies have had a significant impact on people. A 3-day, 2-night home-stay in a rural village is included.

On-campus classes meet Tuesday 7-10pm on October 22, November 5, November 19, and December 3 (classes are mandatory)
Benin travel dates: January 4-18, 2020
Benin Study Abroad Course syllabus
**This program has no language requirement, but knowledge of French can enhance the experience.



Costa Rica: Spring Break 2019

Students will apply for their desired trip, and will be provided registration into the section for the course during the corresponding semester.
There will be approximately 3 mandatory in-class meetings before the trip, the abroad experience, then presentations following the trip. Students will complete assignments online in Moodle, and activities in the classroom.
Course counts within Economics Curriculum (hours in ECON) for Economics Majors.
Non-Western Gen Ed for LAS students (All other majors should discuss with their academic advisor). 
Sample Syllabus and schedule


Brazil: Spring 2018 & Summer 2018

Brazil: Understanding Economics & Business in Brazil
ECON 199 (3 credits)

Students joined Professor Petry for an immersive course on economics and business enterprises in Brazil. Brazil has seen enormous economic growth over the last 20 years and presents a useful case study in economic development, entrepreneurship, and economic policy reforms. Throughout the course, students investigated the relevance of institutions, political stability, and social norms in the functioning of markets, and success of individual business and industries. In Brazil, students spent time in both Rio de Janiero and São Paulo, the country's economic capital and educational center, where they met Brazilian students, professors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders. The summer trip provided an additional experience traveling to the rain forest. Sample Syllabus

Spring Break 2018 Brazil Schedule

Summer 2018 Brazil Schedule

Student Blog Summer 2018 Brazil

Student Blog Spring 2018 Brazil

Feedback from Previous Student Participants

"I was impressed by how smoothly day-to-day events were planned and overall how professionally the trip was organized."

"The trip wouldn't have been anywhere near as great without (the Campus Brasil Coordinators)!"

"Creditas was remarkable because I learned a lot about the consumer and the financial industry in Brazil. They gave us more details about the economy in comparison to the US which helped to understand better."

"Getting to visit with CUBO was the most remarkable because you don't really see the kind of startup stuff like that in the United States."

"The Coca Cola presentation (was the most remarkable activity), because they made it very clear what is unique about their presence and challenges in Brazil, thus differentiating it from the same company that we know very well in America."

"The company visits allow me to understand and gain insights about the businesses in different industry. Listening to the stories behind the founding of the company/business is inspiring."

"I learned a lot of things that are applicable for running a business. Also, I learned lot about consumer behavior economics."

"I believe that I have a better understanding of business on a global scale through my introductions to different businesses and some of the information they gave us about how they actually work behind the scenes."

"It was refreshing to see examples and applications of economic study to issues like poverty, recession, and growth when the only context I understood them was from personal experiences in one other country."

"This was an excellent experience. Coordinators drastically helped reduce the language barrier. They were very patient and flexible."

"They were incredibly professional and friendly. We were spoiled with three tour guides for 20 people, but that allowed for us to enjoy our trip and make sure any extraneous tasks were taken care of without jeopardizing the group's schedule (if someone needed to stay at the hotel for certain reasons, we had a coordinator take care of that; if a small group wanted to go to an extra tourist attraction, we had a coordinator take care of that)."

"I'm very impressed at the efficiency and patience that the coordinators presented, especially with our group's lack of Portuguese knowledge. They served as translators and tour guides for the entire trip. They kept our group on time and had great leadership and communication skills."

"We discussed Brazilian culture and day-to-day life extensively during meals, on the bus, and walking in between tourist attractions. All coordinators were very knowledgeable of Brazilian customs, food, and traditions."

"Fintech Markets "Lecture": This was a case study with the Brazilian students instead of a simple lecture: Brazilian students were excellent at explaining the background information behind what is causing the macroeconomic issues in the country. They were patient, kind, and intelligent. Most of them were confident in their ability to speak English (a foreign language) with us and present in front of a group. Definitely continue this in the future. We don't even do this much group development in the U.S., so this was a learning experience for both sides."

"The meeting with Brazilian students left the biggest impact on me because I was so surprised at their knowledge of both the Brazilian and American economy. Many of them knew what the Federal Reserve was, the role of exchange rates and tariffs, and the general geography of the United States. (Most American college students do not even have as good of a knowledge as some of them!) I"m not sure if the university just picked the best students, or if most students in that university are extremely smart, but I'm glad that these students have such an extensive knowledge of economics and American government/geography."

"Brazil has such a diverse amount of bars and restaurants. Our coordinators did an excellent job at recommending certain foods (coxinha and bacalhau) and restaurants to us around the hotel."

"NuBank striked me as the most remarkable activity because of how successful this start-up is, and how it is thriving in the economic situation of Brazil."

"Natura visit because we got to see first hand the impressiveness of their operation."

"These visits have encouraged me to widen my pool for possible jobs."

"This program got me to think from multiple different perspectives (Brazilian and American) and give an image of what life is like in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. I cannot speak on behalf of those in poverty in Brazil, but this program allowed me think more of the issue of income inequality that the country is facing."

"I was able to present in front of an audience, ask questions in a panel-style format, and interact with students in a different country who were my age. This was great for professional development."

"I learned a lot more about the business world in an international setting."

"It has exposed me to life and cultural aspects in South America."

"I have been to Brazil previously and have traveled all around the world, and this is one of the best, if not the best experiences I have had with a tour group. Coordinators were outstanding and professional. I enjoyed interacting with them every day."

Pre-Departure Class Meetings:
  • Introductions, Orientation, Overview, Discuss Research Topics  
  • Portuguese Language Crash Course (with Professor Raquel Castro Goebel)
  • Brazilian Culture & Country Prep Course (with Murillo S. Soranso)
  • Poster Presentations
Student Posters

PosterStudents completed a research project on their topic of interest related to economics and business in the country. Research was gathered from the in-country visits and by reviewing literature on the subject of interest, and students worked with Professor Petry to explore their topic in-depth. Each student presented their poster to the class following the trip.

Click on each trip below to expand and view posters.

In-Country Visits

AmCham Rio

The American Commerce Chamber is dedicated to promote and intensify Business relations and opportunities between Brazilian and American companies. It provides information on each country’s market and congregates Businessmen and government representatives.


Natura Cosmetics


Natura Brasil is Brazil's number 1 cosmetics manufacturer, and the country's leader in the direct sales sector. Based in Cajamar, São Paulo, the company employs around 7000 staff in seven countries: Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Colombia and France.
Sustainable development has been the company's guiding principle since it was founded in 1969. A passion for  customer relations led the company to adopt direct sales as its main commercial strategy. At present, more than 1,421,000 Consultants - including 1,175,000 in Brazil and around 246,000 abroad - promote the company's values and products to consumers. Innovation is at the heart of Natura Brasil's sustainable development policy. Last year, the company spent 61.5 million euros on product development, launching 164 products and achieving an innovation index (the percentage of revenue from products launched in the last two years) of 64.8%. 
Natura Article (1)   Natura Article (2)


B3 - São Paulo Stock Exchange

B3B3  is one of the world’s largest financial market infrastructure providers by market value. The services it offers range from exchange trading, clearing and other post-trade services to registration of over-the-counter (OTC) transactions and of vehicle and real estate loans. B3 was established in March 2017 when the securities, commodities and futures exchange activities of BM&FBOVESPA were combined with the activities of Cetip, a provider of financial services for the organized OTC market. This combination consolidated the Company’s position as a financial market infrastructure and enabled it to extend the range of services and products offered to customers while creating efficiencies for the Company and for the market.  
B3 Article (1)    B3 Article (2)


Cubo Itaú

CuboCubo is the largest and most relevant center of technological entrepreneurship in Latin America - was founded by Itaú Unibanco in partnership with Redpoint eventures. Our goal since 2015 is to connect entrepreneurs, large companies, investors, and universities in one place to discuss technology, innovation, new business models, new ways of working, and how to challenge the status quo for a better world.   
Cubo Article (1)    Cubo Article (2) 



NubankNubank, one of the leading fintech companies in Brazil, has become the first Latin American company to win the Marketers That Matter Award.

This Silicon Valley award goes to marketing teams that have demonstrated innovation, and Nubank now joins Google, Netflix, GoPro, and Visa on the list of winners.   
Nubank Article (1)    Nubank Article (2)


PUC-SP - Catholic University of Sao Paulo

PUCThe Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - PUC-SP, founded in 1946, is outstanding among the Brazilian universities due to the academic educational quality offered to its 23,000 students and the competence of the teaching staff - composed of more than 2,000 professors, most of them holding Ph.D. or MA degrees. Furthermore, PUC-SP plays an active part in the study and discussion of the important social problems, assuming and honoring the commitment that a Higher Education Institution must have with society.

Additional Visits

Beyond the business visits, our group had the opportunity to visit many of the iconic places around Brazil. We learned more about the culture and life of those living in Brazil, from immigration, to socioeconomic status, to religion, to diversity, and so much more.